Master of Design Program
Dengan fokus pada integrasi keilmuan desain, teknologi, budaya, dan bisnis, program ini mencetak lulusan sebagai desainer madya, global design entrepreneur, dosen desain, dan peneliti desain ahli muda. Lulusan diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi pada industri kreatif yang berkembang pesat, membawa pengetahuan dan keterampilan desain yang komprehensif.
Selain peluang karier di sektor industri kreatif, program ini juga menyediakan bekal bagi mereka yang tertarik menjadi peneliti atau melanjutkan studi. Dengan pendekatan berbasis teknologi dan komitmen pada desain berkelanjutan, program ini mendorong eksplorasi, pemanfaatan, dan pengelolaan proyek desain untuk menciptakan solusi baru yang bernilai dalam memecahkan permasalahan desain di masyarakat. Kolaborasi dengan industri pada tahap akhir pembelajaran memberikan lulusan peluang untuk mendapatkan review, pengakuan, dan legitimasi yang memperkuat kualitas proyek akhir mereka.
EN: The BINUS Graduate Program’s Master of Design excels in integrating design, technology, culture, and business with a sustainable approach. The uniqueness of this program lies in the concept of Advanced Designpreneur, which combines design expertise and entrepreneurship to create innovative solutions.
The curriculum focuses on the integration of designs, technology, culture, and business knowledge. The program produces graduates as mid-level designers, global design entrepreneurs, design educators, and young expert design researchers. The graduates are expected to contribute to the rapidly growing creative industry, while bringing comprehensive design knowledge and skills.
In addition to career opportunities in the creative industry sector, the program also provides a foundation for those interested in becoming researchers or pursuing further studies. With a technology-based approach and a commitment to sustainable designs, the program encourages the exploration, utilization, and management of design projects to create valuable new solutions in addressing design issues in society.
Collaborations with industries in the final stages of learning give graduates the opportunity to receive reviews, recognition, and legitimacy that strengthen the quality of their final projects.
The Master of Design program aims to nurture individuals into Advanced Designpreneurs, aspiring to be a World-class university fostering and empowering the society in building and serving the nation.
- Educating BINUSIAN to synthesize innovative design research and theory based on a blend of local and contemporary cultural values that is beneficial to both society and scholarship.
- Generating proficiency in selecting theories and research methods for the scholarly development of design with an interdisciplinary approach.
- Fostering design works produced through scholarly design methods utilizing information technology to address design challenges in society.
- Empowering the ability to manage entrepreneurship in the field of design, adhering to sustainable concepts both as a professional and entrepreneur.